Guaranteed to increase your insurance settlement | (800) 396-1364

Guaranteed to increase your insurance settlement | (800) 396-1364



Making an insurance claim shouldn’t be worrisome to you, it simply needs the expertise of a seasoned team of public adjusters. Firehouse Adjusters have gained a remarkable existence in this venture with a high record of successfully claiming the best settlements for her clients.

We have handled a great deal of these processes, and we make the process easy for you; leaving you with very little to worry about. Firehouse Adjusters operates with easy steps for our clients to follow in the bid to getting the best settlements for their property loss.


Report the Case

Whenever you have a property loss or damage case, make a quick report to us – giving a detailed information of the situation. We would need you to present every useful document including repair bills, quotes, or money which you have expended. This would be needed to work out a wholesome settlement for you. A list of your belongings that have been damaged will also be compiled as well as evidence by photographs or videos.

We Come in For Inspection

We appreciate the evidence you have provided but the need for a professional inspection is necessary so we come in to do an intense inspection. We make use of high-tech equipment such as infrared cameras, hydrometers, etc. to ensure that we cover for all your property loss. It may be impossible to note all the damages without the use of these equipment and expertise.

Having gone through the inspection stage, we make a detailed report backed up with credible evidence and forward it to the insurance company for further negotiations.

Engaging Your Insurer

We have put all the evidence together with a corresponding report document. Now the next line of action is to forward it to the insurance company and engage them in further negotiations in order to get the best settlement for your damaged property.

Though this may take a little time as the insurer would always want to scrutinize every detail before releasing funds but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered and we will ensure we speed up the process.

Achieving the Best Settlement for You

We may reject initial offers from the insurance company if we think it is less than a befitting compensation and push further in negotiations to ensure you get a better payout.


Hurricane damages are massive most times and the payout from the insurance company may not be likened to a total compensation. Therefore, it is advisable that you plan a way out to avoid the potential damages and here are a few steps you can take;

Plan Your Evacuation

To be on a safer side, you need to be proactive and save yourself from property damages as well as saving yourself and your loved ones too. Always pay attention to hurricane forecasts on the media as this will help you prepare adequately.

It may require that you seek shelter elsewhere by evacuating your home. In doing this, you should also consider moving vital items out of your home to a safe place. Items such as; important documents, jewelry, computers, etc. securing these items is much easier than filing for claims.  


A lot of people just subscribe to an insurance company to protect their properties but have little understanding of the core details in the signed agreements. To some, it is complex and to fully understand the policy, professional help should be acquired.

If you would like a better understanding of your insurance policy, it is best to seek help before a loss occurs to have an expert to explain your insurance policy so you can better understand what losses are covered in the event of a covered peril. 

Firehouse Adjusters takes on the responsibility to help you understand your home insurance policy, thereby ensuring that you get the best settlement for your property loss.

Why It Is Important to Have a Home Insurance Policy

Even the wealthiest of all still subscribe to insurance policies to secure their properties against damages. You can’t totally estimate the gravity of damages when they occur as well as their effects. When these incidents occur, most people are thrown off balance as the trauma they experience at the moment leaves them helpless.

Each insurance package has its compositions as they differ one from another, so you need to look closely to note what your home insurance policy cover.

We Peruse Your Home Insurance Policy

When you contact Firehouse Adjusters to handle your claims, we scrutinize your home insurance policy in order to make the maximum use of its benefits. Insurance companies may try to hide behind clauses but we use our expertise to straighten out issues and make the best out of the situation for you.

We Offer Professional Advice

If we think your home insurance policy is inadequate or poorly put together, we will enlighten you on the best policies that meet your budget and also secure your property to a large extent.

There may be a need to change your existing insurance policy based on our findings and it is advisable that you take heed to our recommendations as we see it as our responsibility to guide you towards gaining the best settlements.


When filing a claim the rate of your deductibles is an essential factor to consider. It may have been set up long ago in your home insurance policy and you haven’t taken the time to understand how it works. The insurance company would expect you to pay a certain amount (deductible) which is detailed in your home insurance policy and this will be deducted from the payout expected from the insurance company as compensation for your property loss. For instance, if your deductible is $2,500 and you expect a payout of $10,500… the payout then becomes $8,000 having deducted the deductible stated in the agreement.

Deductibles vary based on damage types and are usually defined by the insurance company by calculating the rate of deductibles to correspond with the degree of damages. The insurance company would also want to be on a safe side so they would usually charge higher deductibles if you live in a vicinity that is prone to attacks such as theft, hurricane, flood, etc.

Usually, the rate of your deductible is influenced by the amount you pay as premium. If your deductible is high then your premium is likely to be less.

The deductible is stipulated on the contract page of your home insurance agreement and cannot be renegotiated when filing a claim. At Firehouse Adjusters, we are open to help you understand your deductible and other agreements on your insurance policy that you may find difficult to comprehend. Feel free to contact us for clarification anytime.